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  • Why Your Gut’s Right—And How to Test It Without Quitting

Why Your Gut’s Right—And How to Test It Without Quitting

I’m going to show you how to leap into a new industry - or just a new path - without burning your life down.

Why does this matter? Because that tug in your gut isn’t wrong - it’s your future life calling - and people fail because they think they’ve got to go all-in, right now, with no safety net.

If you’re ignoring that pull to build something of your own, you’re leaving fulfillment and freedom on the table.

I’ve been there, and there’s a better way.

Key Takeaways

Here's what we'll discuss in this issue

  1. Why your gut is your best compass for a career shift.

  2. How to start small without quitting everything.

  3. Three steps to test your leap with AI-powered ease.

Why Your Gut Is Your Best Compass for a Career Shift

Ever feel like your expertise is screaming at you to do something bigger?

That’s how my best friend Nurse Doza felt in 2016. A chiropractor and nurse practitioner, he was stuck in pain care, drained by a system that didn’t let him practice true to himself - or truly heal patients.

He wasn’t alone - I was itching to ditch sales for something more meaningful, too.

The thing is, doubt creeps in fast: “What if I don’t know the rules? What if I fail?”

Here’s the kicker: your years of doing what you do, of helping people, aren’t just a job; they’re a signal you’ve got something unique to offer.

Nine years later, we’ve built a thriving clinic, a supplement company, and a community in Austin because we trusted that pull.

You don’t need all the answers—just the courage to listen.

How to Start Small Without Quitting Everything

You’re slammed with work, bills, and zero time to “figure it out,” so the idea of jumping ship feels insane.

I get it, I didn’t torch my sales gig to help Nurse Doza either; I started by helping out on the weekends, then a week at at time, testing the waters.

Justin Welsh, someone I’ve learned a lot from, nails this on X:

No grand exit, just quiet progress.

But what if it flops—or worse, you look dumb online?

Start smaller than you think: one hour a week, one X post, one idea.

Picture this—you share a tip from your expertise, get a few likes, and suddenly you’re not invisible.

Try this AI prompt: “Act as a [your expertise, e.g., chiro, accountant]. Write a 100-word X post about one mistake solo entrepreneurs make, in an encouraging tone.”

That’s it. Dip your toe, not your whole life.

Three Steps to Test Your Leap with AI-Powered Ease

Starting’s the hardest part; your head’s spinning with “Where do I even begin?” and “What if I mess up in a regulated mess like I did?”

When I jumped into the medical world, half my marketing ideas got axed by rules I didn’t even know existed—permits, licenses, “you can’t say that.” It’s brutal.

But today, AI makes it so much easier to dodge those headaches and still move fast.

Here’s how I’d test it now, step-by-step:

  1. Name Your Thing
    You’ve got a vague itch - turn it into something real. A lawyer might see “startup legal kits,” a storyteller might land on “brand narrative coaching”, and a health practitioner may start with “5 natural ways to fix your gut”. Without a clear “what,” you’re just daydreaming, and that’s where most stall out.

    Imagine nailing this down in 20 minutes instead of 20 weeks.

    Pick one that lights you up. That’s your starting line.

  2. Test It Publicly
    Now you’ve got an idea, but putting it out there feels like walking naked into a boardroom.

    What if no one bites?

    Here’s the secret: one small test beats months of overthinking.

    I started by pitching Nurse Doza’s clinic to friends at my yoga studio, crude, but it worked.

    Today, you can post on X and get feedback in hours.

    Share it, see who bites. One reply could spark your next move—no big risk, just real data.

  3. Build It Fast
    You’ve got traction—now what?

    Most fumble here, drowning in details or perfectionism. I spent so much time wrestling regulations for our supplement company when I could’ve built smarter.

    AI’s your shortcut; outline an offer in a day, not a decade.

    You’ll get a roadmap: Month 1, tease the problem; Month 2, drop value; Month 3, sell it.

    Tweak as you go. Our clinic grew because we adjusted, not because we nailed it day one.

You’ll still hit walls - flops, and flips, whatever - but every step proves your gut’s not lying.

We’ve helped thousands heal because we started anyway.

Feeling that tug? Let’s make it real.

Book a strategy call with me to map your leap, or grab my Campaign Marketing Builder—AI prompts to write your next quarter’s marketing in a snap.

Start small, win big, I’ve got your back.

Baldomero Garza Find me on X, LinkedIn, Instagram, or book a 1:1 

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